Medical and Surgical treatment of conditions involving male and female urinary tract

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A rare cystic lesion presenting with lower abdominal pain associated with urinary symptoms

Kingsley Ekwueme • September 16, 2020

Mullerian Duct Cyst

An interesting case of a young man who presented with abdominal pain associated with urinary urgency. An ultrasound suggested a cystic mass in the pelvis posterior to the bladder. When I examined the patient, I could feel a mass but not the prostate. MRI scan confirmed a midline 8cm cystic mass posterior to the bladder. We suspected Mullerian duct cyst which is often associated with renal genesis. So a CT scan was done and indeed this showed absent left kidney!
Mullerian Duct Cyst is rare with prevalence rate of 1-5%. A high index of suspicion is required to make the diagnosis as in this case. When symptomatic, it is usually nonspecific.
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